Code of Ethics, staff and workplace

5 – Staff and workplace policies

Sofinter Group considers essential that, at work, the respect for human rights and the protection of individual dignity are ensured, prohibiting all companies belonging to the Group, both in Italy and abroad, any form of exploitation of the work and, in particular, of child labor.

It agrees, therefore, with regard to child labor, not to employ workers under the age of 15 years pursuant to paragraph 1 of art. 2 of the Minimum Age Convention, or, in the developing countries referred to in paragraph 4 of that Article, to employ no workers under the age of 14 years.

The respect of these guarantees and prohibitions mentioned above is mandatory and required by the Group to all its suppliers, whether in Italy or abroad.

5.1 Risorse umane: safety and health

Employees and Collaborators are considered indispensable for the existence and future development of the Group. The Group is committed ensuring that legal provisions relating to the accident prevention and safety in the workplace are duly observed, ensuring appropriate places and working environments in compliance with national and international standards.

The health of Employees and Collaborators should not be understood only as the absence of disease but also as psychological, physical and social well-being, that can be achieved by the following principles of organization:

  • to minimize the risks;
  • evaluating the risks which can not be eliminated;
  • combating the risks at source;
  • adapting the work to the individual, especially as regards the organization and design of workplaces, the choice of equipment, methods of work and production.

Above all, we must fight the monotonous or repetitive activities, and thus to reduce their negative effects on health. If the work is monotonous or repetitive, the organization of jobs and the choice of equipment, methods of working and production must be optimized in order to alleviate the workers:

  • to monitor developments in technology;
  • to replace what is dangerous with what is not or is less;
  • to plan the protection of health in such a way that the individual, technical, organizational and social aspects and all their interactions are considered as a whole;
  • to give priority to the protection of health in collective rather than individual;
  • to educate employees in an appropriate manner, and this implies the statement on the application and its supervision and training at all levels of the hierarchy.

5.2 Appreciation of human resources

So that the capacity and skills of each Employee are valued in such a way that they can express their potential, the corporate departments should:

  • understand the skills and abilities of the candidates in the selection phase and be able to assess whether they are related with business needs;
  • apply the criteria of merit and professional competence in respect of the Employees;
  • select, hire, train, compensate and manage Employees without favoritism, nepotism and discrimination of any kind, so that everyone can enjoy a fair and equal treatment regardless of sex, age, nationality, religion, ethnicity;
  • ensure each Employee equal opportunities.

Employees must be aware of the Code of Ethics and conduct prescribed by it; for this purpose the Managers and Executives of business units and functions will be referenced within its organizational structure for any need for clarification.

5.3 Use of company goods

Each Employee or Collaborator must respect, protect and preserve values and assets that have been entrusted to avoid misuse in conflict with the interests of the Group and / or that might cause damage or reduced efficiency. It is forbidden to use, if not for the exclusive benefit of the Group, resources, goods or materials owned by the same.

With regard to the use of information by Employees or Collaborators, compliance with the Group’s policies and specific procedures for information security is required, avoiding behaviors or actions that could adversely affect the safety and functionality of the computer system company.

5.4 Group intellectual property rights

The results of the professional activities undertaken by every Employee and external Collaborator not bound by an employment contract (e.g. ideas, inventions, programs, the fine-tuning of processes, improvements, etc.) are the property of the Group company in which they operate. The development of every recognized idea or idea that may be developed as part of the Group’s present and/or future activities must therefore be reported by way of a written memorandum addressed to the Managing Director.

5.5 Persecutions and Mobbing in Workplace

Sofinter Group requires that internal and external work relationships don’t cause any persecutions or attitudes in any way connected to mobbing and any form of violence or sexual harassment that refers to personal and cultural diversity.

Are considered as such:

  • the creation of an intimidating, hostile, isolating or otherwise discriminating against individuals or groups of employees workplace;
  • the unjustified interference with the work performing by others;
  • the obstacle of others merely job prospects for reasons of personal or others competitiveness;
  • any unwanted conduct of a sexual nature, or any other type of discrimination based on sex affecting the dignity of women and men in the workplace, including any physical, verbal or non-verbal behaviors.


  1. General Principles
  2. Ethical Principles
  3. Relationship with employees and collaborators
  4. Relationship with third parties
  5. Staff and workplace policies
  6. Corporate governance
  7. Confidential information and privacy protection. Insider trading

Sofinter Group Code of Ethics

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